Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Can someone explain, in detail, how an ionic bond is formed between Cl2 and Ca?

In an ionic bond, 2 or more ions share electrons to get an octet in their second ring. The cation (calcium) and anion (chlorine) will bond together as CaCl2. Calcium has 2 more electrons than it needs for a noble gas configuration, so it gives up one electron a piece to each chlorine. The two bond because of electrostatic forces that result from the new electron pairs. They bond because they are more stable together. Hope this helps.

Can You Buy Pop Tarts In Ireland?

Hi I was just looking on the internet. I was bored so I decided to look up pop tarts. I was looking at some of the gorgeous flavors. They sound delicious! I live in Ireland which means they are kinda rare.Awwww! So I doubt they have a lot of the flavors but I know you can get them here. I would settle for the normal chocolate flavor. I live in Laois if that helps. Even if you can't get them here will you please tell me. Thanks in advance to anyone who answers. :)

Crocodile / stingray hybrid?????

if a crocodile and a stingray mated and had a brood of babies, do you think the resulting animal would be mostly a water-dwelling animal that would come out onto land to hunt steve irwin, or would it be primarily a land animal that went into the water to hunt for steve irwin???

Clicking in ankles?

I'm not a dr. but have seen a lot of questions that are similar from people your age and others answering them that it is due to a growth spurt. Maybe search yahoo answers, or try webmd.com. If it hurts a lot though I'd get a second opinion from a sports medicine dr to make sure youre not aggravating an injury.

Should I screw my neighbors gf?

I finally met on of my neighbors two weeks ago, he's a cool guy an everything and he invited me to his house to have a couple drinks. Well while I was at his house I met his gf. She's one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. Well I saw her two days ago an she invited me and a friend over. When I asked where her bf was she said in another state. As the night progressed we ended on the back porch. I sat down and she sat next to me and put her legs in my lap. She started to stare at me and when I asked her why she was looking at me like that she told me she could just do me right now. She started kissing me and I was taking her clothes off. When I got her down to just panties my friend came outside and she pushed me away. She called me and texed me several times yesterday telling me to come over. I just want to know should I bump my neighbors gf off (have with her) or wat?

What is the structural form of RNA?

its a evolutionary structure before DNA .here too nucleotides are present except thymine. Uracil is present in place of thymine with three hydrogen bonds with guanine.Its codon decided by complementary sequence of template strand of DNA.More over there is many types of RNA like SnRNA,tRNA(clover leaf modal in 3-D or L- shaped model in 2-D) etc.u should get information with diagrams from RNA related website.

Do you like these boots im buying?

I don't really like either of them. I like the second ones more. They are a good price, I jsut wouldn't buy them because I think their bottom soles look too much like a rain boot's. a href="http://s2.thisnext.com/media/230x230_no_border/Burberry-Rain-Boot_CC1585B4.jpg" rel="nofollow"http://s2.thisnext.com/media/230x230_no_…/a

Implantation Bleeding?

Implantation will only occur between 7 and 10 dpo. So your bleeding is more than likely a ruptured cyst, or the begining of your period. If you have a negaitive test after one week of missing your period than the likelyhood of you being pregnant is less than 1%.

Http://www.aetw.org/reiki_101.html won't let me download the Ebook!?

when I click the "FOR A PRINTABLE, PDF-FORMAT VERSION OF THIS DOENT, CLICK HERE" it takes me to a page with more Ebooks, please help!

Asking a crush to sadies?

i'm looking for a cute way to ask my crush to Sadie's. He plays basketball and volleyball and i think it would be cool to incorporate that into my asking him. Any ideas?

Should I forget about thinking I conceived?

I was about 6-7 days late for my period, my bf and i had on my fertile days. Last night inoticed light pinkish disharge that didnt last long, it was less then spotting. Today I woke up and i gues my period came. This period feels very different. I have felt sick all day like wanting to throw up, and my advil and robaxin did not work at all i feel a huge pain in the middle of m uterus that wont go away! it doesnt feel lke my normal cramps at all and i get cramps bad. The blood is very ver red by the way, more red than usual! like cherry red ...this is different. I know i dont have a stomach bug or anything. My friend said she had a normal period when she got pregnant but missed her next months period and found out he was about 2 months..any advice or same experience?

Anyone else crankly achy hungry sleepy stressed and pissed?

i am. today is have no cl , i should be sleeping right now. but i had to get up at 6 to be in college computer lab b/c i have a nazi professor who is making us do too many things at once and i am using a computer program i can't figure how to use. i can't stop thinking about kfc and this computer lab is too cold, the ac is on too high. woe is me. words of encouragement?

How does the federal reserve bank manage the nations monetary system?

The treasury department issues government bonds. The federal reserve enters bond markets and either buys or sells these bonds to, respectively, lower or raise the interest rate.

Movies taking place in the 1930s please?

See: a href="http://www.bing.com/search?q=movies+in+a+1930s+setting&src=IE-SearchBox&FORM=IE8SRC" rel="nofollow"http://www.bing.com/search?q=movies+in+a…/a

What to do about this girl I like (10 points)?

I've liked a girl for a few months now. We've been friends for about two years now, and I know she's biual. The problem is, she's leaving next year, and I only have a month left to spend time with her. We don't see each other much as is, and we're not that close. I don't want to say anything to her because I don't want to ruin what friendship we do have, but at the same time, trying to get over her isn't working well at all. I know for sure she thinks about me in a completely platonic way and it's so frustrating. I tried asking her for advice on this subject (except I omitted the fact that she's the one I'm interested in) and she was so sweet about it, it was even more aggravating (not a hint of jealousy). I figure the best solution is to suppress my feelings but these feelings are eating up at me. I've been depressed because of this for weeks now (which is ridiculous because she's just a crush).

How much would 130 dollar shoes cost if there's a 70% off sale?

ok, so i saw these gorgeous suede boots for $130 and there's 70% off sale this weekend and i was wondering how much it'll cost, and how you found it out (i'm horrible at math.)


The refining mask only comes with the Proactive kit and I dont want to buy the whole kit when I just wanna use the mask. Is there a mask that I can put on overnight and my pimples will be gone in the morning?

I need some proof?

wad does htis have to do with singles and dating? and those are real games but i doubt his dad could have created those games, boy wouldnt be taking the bus had his dad made those games, he MIGHT have been part of a team that worked on a part of the game.

Can you critique my manga ideas for me? (And help me improve, perhaps!)?

that sounds cool please email me you can click my name and email me please if u ever start this XD or make a website for it

Which one would be better a mono amp or a 4 channel amp for a 1000w JBL sub for great b??

yeah dude why a 4 channel? find out the rms rating on your sub than find a good mono amp with a matching rms rating also make sure you put it in a good box thats a def in any audio application

Good Fantasy footaball move? 10 pts for best answer!?

do not drop peyton hillis. he is a sleeper and is racking up good points. I would drop garcia cuz u have good QB's. Get mnnesotas D. Drop gage to get donnie avery. He is the leading catcher for miami and can get huge plays in the wildcat formation. Hope i helped!

I need to remove the gauge cluster on my 1993 prelude?

i need some help in finding out how to remove the cluster, i have all of the screws off and its ready to be removed, but i dont know how to get the cluster out, is there a step by step instillation manual that i should be following or what should i do? help me out, im trying to switch the black stock gauge with a new white gauge. thanks

Why do orthodontists say they'll take ur braces off when they don't?

I feel like they BS with me and make my teeth crooked on purpose or just don't care and I've had them for over 2 and a half years. They said they'd take them off next appointment which is next month but they never did. Help? And I've had plenty of friends who had orthodontists do this to them like theyll say they would take them off next time but they don't or they make your teeth crooked on purpose. I wanna know why? Because my orthodontist is mean and pisses me off a lot.

Why do people suffer from bipolar? hereditary or what?

i am 23 and i have had bipolar for over 10 years now i personally think that it is hereditary because my mom and grandma both have it as well.

Can you have become a zombie by having with a zombie?

Chances of this would go down I think if you were wearing a condom, but I would say yes, that you would turn into a zombie if the proper bodily fluids were exchanged. EXCELLENT QUESTION!

Why did Sri Lanka play so badly during the Nat West series ?

I think the current Sri Lankan side is just a shadow of the team that made it to the world cup finals. Would you guys agree with me ? Gimme your feedback.

What song is this? its by rascal flatts?

its by rascal flatts and its abut loving someone who dosent love you back.. i loooove the song and cant think of the name give me the name plzzzzzz.

Swollen oris and labia ?

I have a yeast infection from taking Augmentin 500mg/BID and I have a swollen and labia. I am using OTC Yeast infection medicine and have been eating yogurt to try to subside this. But it's not working and I can't go to the doctor right now because my insurance isn't effective until March 17. Any ideas? Me in pain :(( Boo-hoo, seriously, this sh** hurts. Feels like when you're about to have an and your oris gets kind of hard except it won't go away.

Side effect of antibiotics?

Call your doctor - you could be allergic to that medication. It will get worse with each pill you take. Call the doctor.

Do you speak spanish?

If I decide to live, or stay any length of time, in a Spanish speaking country, then I will learn Spanish - just as Spanish speaking people should learn to speak English if they plan on living in the United States.

What will happen to Checks and Balances in Government?

Excellent question. When the balance of power shifts in either direction, the government simply gets more bloated. Neither party is any different from the other. What happened when the Homeland Security Act and the Patriot Act came up for a vote? They ped easily, even though a 2nd grade knuckle-head could see that it was a very real danger to our country from tyranny. Same with the TARP Bill. Same with the Stuimulus package. It doesn't matter which party is in office, or what the breakdown of Congress is. Government will always increase in size and power, until We The People stand up and give 'em hell, first with our mouths, then with our tax dollars, then with our arms, if need be. That is, after all, why we have Ammendments 1 and 2, specifically in that order!

What is this font?? I rlly need to kno.?

i wanna know what this font is but i cant find it. the font is with this kind of question mark that's like a s but backwards. and the font itself looks a little like Ariel. so anyone help?????

Is my blood pressure normal? Im 16 years old?

Your blood pressure is fine. Your pulse is a little high, but that's normal when you are actually measuring your blood pressure and pulse, since these things can make you nervous.

Does my diet seem healthy, am i eating too many calories?

Your eating plan sounds excellent. I estimated 1400-1700 calories for the day depending on the portion size of the cereal and dinner. If you are trying to lose a few pounds this is perfect. If you wish to maintain your present weight then you could add a treat or some cheese. Eating as you do and getting exercise should help to boost your immune system and keep you healthy. If you like you could also add a multi vitamin just to cover anything you might be missing.

Do you think Adrian Peterson will get 2,000 yards rushing this year?

I think he will, what do you think? Adrian Peterson is the best running back I've seen since Barry Sanders which is my favorite all time running back. I just wanted to add that in there. LOL Anyway, what do you think? Plus, what about Willie Parker....What's up with all those poor performances recently I'm dissapointed with him....I'm a Steelers fan....he needs to step up his rushing performance for the Steelers.

What can I do with about 2lbs of beef roast?

I started off with a HUGE roast and so far this week I have made a traditional roast, beef stew, and Italian beef. I have about 2lbs left. Do you have any ideas for something I can make with it?

What would cause all the lights in my car to flicker?

i have a 2000 plymouth neon and ive noticed when the car is running the headlights, dome light, dash lights all flicker when the car is at idle and gets worse when the car rpms increase. Also i have a problem of when im cruising down the road and shortly after the torque converter locks up and i give it a little more gas the car feels like its jumping around and when i turn on my lights it gets worse and also when im sitting at a stop light the rpms drop below the normal level and the car shakes real bad and gets to the point the its going to stall but then jumps up to normal rpms. can all this be caused by a bad alternator which ive done a complete tune up, oil change, and ran several things of injector cleaner through the car. i really need advice this car is my only form of transportation.

Monday, November 14, 2011

What are about 30 of the things that the presidential candidates do?

I am looking for specific things that they do starting from the announcement of their candidacy to winning the electoral college vote. (A basic list of the process that they go through to run for president.)

Enough expirence for an agent?

You could look for an agent as you dont need tons of experience just enough to show your serious and willing to work. So from what you have said it looks like you have experience.

How can Islam help Malaysians Live in Peace?

I need relevant information on how Islam can help make the world a more peaceful place or help Malaysians live in peace for my project

If the Steelers win the Superbowl will there be another asterisk next to the win like the last 2 they won?

The steelers superbowl wins against seattle and arizona are tainted if they win this one will it be due to bad officiating again?

How to get answers out of him subtly, without sounding like you dont trust him?

being a guy (not that i've ever done what he's supposedly doing) i can tell you that until his conscience gets to him he will never tell you what you want to know. I would ask him straight up, out of the blue, if you could see his phone and try to read his reaction. pretend you left yours at home when you go out or something. if your not to good with the reconnaissance, try considering not being with him. I can imagine being with someone you don't trust is hard and if it gets to be too much, tell him that he lost your trust and needs to gain it back. If he fights then leave. If he changes then be glad. Either way somethings got to give. Good luck

Is it safe to leave are propane gas oven on all night?

Well are heat smells bad so my parents came up with the idea to leave the oven on with the oven door open some. I thought that is a stupid idea cause i dont feel like dieing in the middle of the night. Is it safe? We have carbon monoxide meters i think there calld. Im upstairs on the 2nd storey. Will opening my windows help any just in my room? I like it cold anyways

When did the die in your relationship? Also did you fix it if so how.?

I have dated this girl for 3 years and people say and it feels like we are married. used to be fantastic but now i only get it once a month if i am lucky and when i do it feels like its out of obligation. i have tried the romantic route, the goofy route, mages, hot bath water. I have tried it all to set the mood but we can not get our flare back. How do i get it back, or when is it time to move on? Sorry if there are typos

Ladies, can you answer me this if you will.?

Ok lets say your walking along at school or some public place like that and you have a hole in the backside of your pants (like the of your pants) and I notice it. Would you be offended if I told you that you had a hole in the backside of your pants? Oh and please I don't want answers like "Pervert!" or "Why are you looking?" and other things along that line. So if you will kindly answer it will be must appreciated. Thanks.

How do u Ollie?

I have all of the basic ground work done on my board and i know that an Ollie is the first trick u have 2 learn!!! How do u do it? Is there an easy way 2 do it without cheating?? HELP!!

Do you think that Bangla Word software can show way to type easily Hindi, Oddisi, amese,Marathi and others?

There are many softwares to write Indian languages. There are many similarities among Indian languages, because many of them come from the Devnagari letters. I find the "Bangla Word" Software very useful to write in Bangla. If the software be modified by their creator, it can be used to write Hindi, Marathi, Nepali, Odissi, Punjabi Gurumukhi, Gujrati very easily. Do you think the Indian Government should approach the Bangla Software Group, Bangladesh/London, who are the original patent holder to have a business contract/license signed to modify/develop their "BANGLA WORD" to develop writing software for other various Indian languages?

What would you wear with this?

i would wear it with dark skinny jeans long long brown boots that match the brown and a necklace to match and a leather dark brown jacket

My "everyday" Blood pressure 96/64 and felling lightheaded and dizzy?

Is this considere like low blood pressure? Fell realy dizzy sometime like I'm about to fall on the floor...also my potium is 3.4 is this low??

Does anyone have beethoven's first symphony for the piano?

I really want to play this song for christmas, but the only scores i can find are for the orchestra. if anyone can arrange this for the piano for me, or find a copy that i arranged for the piano, that would be soooooooooo awesome!!!!!! thanks everyone =]]

What is the period of oscillation?

same.. 8.1 s. the period is dependent only on the length of the pendulum (L) and the acceleration due to gravity (g).

ADOLF - do u like this name?

Adolf - in old German means "insane murder of the mankind".You think it'a a good name for my little roach???.

Whats a this song calllled !>?

it has like a part that goes "can i get a little goose in my OJ" idk wat its ccallled.. HELP !


As long as you don't have any other health issues, protein and carbs are better for you than sugar or fat, at least in excess. I'd increase both, but go heavier on the protein than the carbs. So, I'd eat the ice cream or the pudding but not too much of either. The boost is probably fine, as is any other meal supplement that you like the taste of. Some protein shakes taste pretty good. The chocolate milk probably has a lot of sugar in it, so I'd be careful about that. And I'd go right ahead and exercise, but concentrate on building muscle (which is heavy and can be bulky) rather than burning calories.

Gay Marriage, debate helo me?

My favorite is the "religious institution argument". If it is such a religious institution, then why are atheists and different religions allowed to partake. If it is such a religious institution, then why does the government "favor" it by giving these people tax breaks and other rights. If it is a "sacred religious institution" then why can they raffle it off as a game show prize on shows like "The Bachelor".

How to parenthetically cite a website without an author's name?

In MLA format, how do I parenthetically cite a website that does NOT have page or paragraph numbers OR an author's name? Can you also give a short example like this (Hopkins 23). Thanks a lot.

Should I drop Kris Humphries and Pick up Derrick Favors for Fantasy Basketball?

Kris humphries is going beast for the nets but hes now coming off the bench. derrick favors now starts. idk if i should get favors or not. when he started, he got 11 points 14 rebounds.

Just a theory.?

There have been types pf Antichrist throughout history, God knows the end from the beginning, and he new that the world's condition would produce the Antichrist and when. Satan couldn't know the time of the end.(but if we can know the season,so can satan), just fufill that which was already known of God.

Anyway to test MPG on Honda Civic Hybrid without asking dealer to fill tank?

Is there any real way to tell what MPG I will be getting before I buy the vehicle? I have read that some 05 civic hybrids get 30 mpg, and some claim they get 40-45, without having to ask the dealer to fill the gas completely, drive it around for 40 miles, and do back to the gas station and see how much gas I have to put back in, is there any way I can reset the Trip gauge so that it will automatically calculate it for me as I test drive the vehicle for say 30 or 40 miles? (I think the vehicle has this feature, I am just not sure how it works)? Thanks again, this will be a huge help, Currently getting 13 mpg in my truck and want to go to school, but it wont happen unless I get a good reliable gas conserving vehicle :).

Can you help me control my jealousy?

Hi!! jealousy can get you into a lot of trouble. if you are really jealous, dont try to show it because that might make you lose your pals and you will be left alone. everyone has something to be jealous about. you never know, someone may be jealous of you for the cool person you are. so, dont worry. keep smiling. you will get over your jealousy in no time!!

Please help me with the plot of my story!!?

I would write this from the first person, I think an emotional slant would benefit this tale, possibly a love angle. Don't forget that every hero has a weakness. Also it might be advisable to reiterate the reasons that the family do not wish to be deported to Thailand. To the Western mind, it may be considered preferable. I wish you the very best in your writing, and look forward to reading the book!


That particular god is Poseidon, also known as the god of the sea. Odysseus took credit for the cleverness of building a wooden horse in order to infiltrate Troy, when it was infact Poseidon who gave him the idea. Odysseus proceeded to mock the gods by proclaiming something along the lines of "not even the gods are more clever than I". Poseidon grew very angry at this and so didn't allow him to return home that day...nor for many years later.

Why Sri Lanka has not played much test cricket over the past few years?

Agree with you-last few years Sri Llanka have been getting only about the same number of matches as Bangladesh and about half as many as India-although they still play a lot more than Pakistan-dont know why Australia doesnt play Tests against SL-there is no way SL can ever improve their ranking if they dont get to play more matches.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

So does anyone here Likes Hilary Duff?

she just got married:) personally i thought she fell of the earth, but shes done with acting & singing for now. but i used to LOVE her!

Why is it the Christian God doesn't make any sense and all of his stories sound made up?

His ways are not our ways, His ways are higher than our ways and He chooses to do this to confound those that consider themselves intelligent and wise in their own sight. That would be you if you can't figure that out.

What's the best way to impress a guy?

Well u guys have same cl together right. Well guys seem to fall for girls when they need help trust me were suckers 4 that. If u ever have any projects during cl tell em to help u out trust me he wont turn u down.

'93 Ford Looses throttle until tach drops back to Idle, then is restored and running fine?

I would try changing your fuel filter a second time. It sounds like you have a clogged filter or collapsed fuel line. Then, remove and clean your Idle Air Control Valve. While you are at it, clean the throttle body, too.Good luck!

Why are people not allowed to walk amongst the stones at stonehenge?

Too many American tourists chipping off little souveniers. Obviously their holiday memories are more important than the maintainance of one of the oldest and most famous world-heritage sites!

Why is there no one heading Trading Standards?

Trading Standards offices are throughout the UK however when you run up against a duff one there is no one to complain to, you are advised to complain to the head of that particular area however that is like an internal government complaint which will certainly not rule against an employee/s. To go above this level the complaint must be addressed to The Ombudsman! Anyone have any first hand experience of such an exercise?

Scary movie question?

I saw a scary movie in the 1970's about a woman being tied up by little red men that carried her into the fireplace and can't figure out what the name of the movie was. Could anyone remember that movie or at least the name?

Confusion on hash table efficiency?

I am confused on the efficiency of hash tables. Say my hash table has a size of 200 and I store 150 objects inside. Using linear probing to deal with collisions, I'll be rehashing a lot to find an empty space. Now after increasing the size of the hash table to reduce collision, wouldn't it be harder to search for an element since the hash function will no longer hash to the same value thus elminating the point for using hash tables (my hash function uses tablesize so hash value will be different)?

Annoying neighbors. Any legal steps we can take to get them to realize the world doesn't revolve around them?

Unfortunately, without the police intervening for disturbing the peace, this is just going to escalate between you until something occurs that interests the police (like ault and battery). We had a similar problem with a neighbor that just kept getting worse and worse until it literally came to fisticuffs. Aftger that we just gave up and sold our house. Now we live in a nice neighborhood, with normal people who don't want to make our lives a living hell. I would call the police each and every time they disobey the noise laws until the police get tired of hearing from you. Eventually, someone will do something. (But don't count on it.) Good luck - I feel for you - it sucks the quality of life right out of a nice house, doesn't it?

I'm only about 4 weeks pregnant. Can stress affect my baby?

I'm a college student that just found out I'm pregnant. I have midterms, important speeches, research papers due, etc. Also, and whats stressing me out the most is that my future husband has gone away to visit his family, and he'll be gone for about 3 months. I really miss him and I've been crying non-stop, I can't eat and I only get a few hours of sleep. So, my question is: Will all this stress affect my baby even though its very early in the pregnancy?

Since oil is based on the USD, do you see a correlation between the price of oil and the following?

enough with "NEOCONS". can you please say republicans, reps, conservatives, cons, whatever. i'm a libertarian, and i find many of your questions intreguing. but try not to bash so much and also PLEASE come up with a different tag/name for them.

Gender and Women's Studies regulars (no trolls), what do you think of this?

I understand your position...I believe he's happy bullet, aka happy snappy, aka...who knows? He's always been an irritant, like that mosquito that you can never find, but can hear all around you. He'll respond to anything to get a rise out of people. He doesn't know you, and has clearly not followed the great things you've posted--or doesn't care, whatever. Let's just chalk this one up to some bitter guy who hasn't got a clue. Not much else can be said. The more intelligent posters on here know what you're about, and what your questions are about, so he's not worth a thought. There are a handful of people here that are pathologically misogynist. That's their problem. All we can do is post good questions and ignore the idiots when they respond.


Yes I think we are Karmically drawn to other people we have known in a past life that we have past issues with. They are in our lives to teach us something and vice versa...I don't know what ties it has with psychological development though...it seems to be more of a spiritual development

The best trade ever: mavericks and nuggets?

Dallas will be the best and they will be a veteran team. It will make the Mavs become a celtics like team. a team of veteran. the championship will be mavs and celtics. the veteran team versus veteran champs. heheh

Does this sound like my co worker is trying to sabotage me?

She seems to be trying to characterise me as not doing my job and as irresponsible. I just started a new job and have been there a month. Last week she told me lies about me not sweeping and mopping the floors in this deli I work at and that the floor staff in the shop had to come in and do it and apparently 'that isn't their job'.I asked one of the floor staff about that and they said ' she is a lying ****' and they had not spoken to her since the previous week. Today, she rang me to ask why I was not in work. I told her I checked the rota last night and the new one was not put up yet. I was the last shift of the week so a new one generally should have been put up seeing as how everyone had already done their shifts for the week and I was the last left. She told me it was unacceptable I did not come in and that they were under alot of stress/pressure this morning because of it. I always come in on time, I cover people who cannot come in and have stayed late to cover for people I always do my work. Apparently, the new rota was beneath the old one. As I said, I have only worked there a month and so I told her that ok well I will know for the future but I am not a mind reader and i couldn't possibly have known that. It makes no sense that she organised things like this and I am certainly not going to be mischaracterised because of her negligence. Every week I have been there I have asked on the Sunday about the rota and it is never up and I have to text my coworker/manager about when I am working next and presume that if I were working right the next day they would let me know. I do my job well but she still finds little tiny trivial faults that seem ridiculous. I do not have any breaks at the job because they want everything perfectly done when really they should have more staff on and I finish late at the job very often (an hour over) because I have to clean the deli area. She will still the very next day tell me things I have done wrong which are actually inevitable and she should understand working at the deli too. Might this be a kind of workplace bullying? I feel with the rota at least, she did this to mislead me and mischaracterise me as a bad worker? Obviously, she has no sense of fairness or reason and is making me look bad in front of all the other workers who she undoubtedly bitched and cursed to this morning about me?

What are the torque specs for the head bolts of a 92 plymouth sundance?

i could be anywhere form 65 to 80 pounds depends on engine size if it is a duster it will be 67 to 80 pounds as long as you are somewhere in that ballpark you will be ok but beware because the head bolts tighten down in a certain order if not you will warp the head and the gasket wont seat i would suggest buying a chilton manual it will tell you everything

Need help/advice how to get condoms discretely!!?

I am involved in a lot in our community and school through athletics and being a roll model and I want to continue with that reputation. However, Me and my guy are going to become intimate soon. I want to be safe and protected but if I were to walk through walmart in our not-so-big town where most people know me, with a box of condoms, I would be not only embarrased as hell, but my rep. would be ruined. Any ideas on where to get free condoms ordered to me discretely or any other way of getting them besides planned parenthood?!

What dog breed mostly fits me?

Husky might be a good choice since you're very active and in a colder climate. Malamutes also. Labs, Retrievers, Shepherds are always big favorites. I like Akitas. They are great on walks, runs, hiking. Very smart, learn quickly. They bark RARELY. They say when an Akita barks - you need to pay attention. They only bark for a real reason. They are protective, yet not aggressive (of course training applies here). They're beautiful dogs, loyal and obedient. Thick hair, so suited for colder climates. Mine pants in a blizzard. :)

Is there an alternative fuel we can use right now!?

we depend so much on oil in our power generators...etc. esp. in our transpo, why cant engr.s or scientists create alternative machines that can be fueled by water or anything else that are abundant? oil are getting expensive probly. bec. sources are depleting, not to mention the crisis goin on in the mideast. why govts doesnt support such ideas? let them (oil producing nations) use their oil bec. they dont have water in the deserts.

Im 14 i would like a job does anybody know any in Leeds Uk?

Do you mean like a Saturday job? Try Leeds market or get an application form from local supermarkets.

Hi girls & dermatologist can any one plzz suggest me ......?

If your are in Mumbai one can go to Dr Rekha Seth's Clinic in Vile Parle,one of the best in Mumbai,Dr's @ the clinic are toooo good.

Could you please answer questions on these uncommon names?

I had a friend who's father's name was Gunnar. I absolutely don't like that name! It makes me think of a old, hillbilly sitting on his porch with a shotgun!!!!! Mariposa is okay but kids are cruel and I think it would be a name that got made fun of a little bit! But when I think of the name, I think of a very pretty little girl!

Would you have the guts to?

So let me get this straight, you're afraid to walk three miles, to your dad's house,and don't expect a phone call to go straight to your mom, uming you go through with this. Is that about right? Well, clearly in the two years you've given this a lot of thought and have it all figured out. so grab a jacket and an umbrella and head onto the open road. hope it works out. But may i ask,you said you hide how unhappy you are, did you attempt to talk like an adult? and if it's as easy as going to your dad's house, why don't you just call and ask him to pick you up? I hope your family takes you seriously. I'm sure they wont just write you off as being immature.

Astronomy Question, PLEASE HELP!!?

ume that a planet just like Earth orbits the bright star named Sirius. If this Earth-like planet orbits with a semimajor axis of 1 AU and an orbital period of 7 months, what is the m of Sirius?

My female rat terrier yorkie mix thinks she is a boy?!!!?

so my newest addition to the house saydie is a female terrier 10 months old and she has been living with us for about a month now but recently she started trying to mount my male dog sam who is 5 he just kinda growls at her and walks away but she has also been scratching at the carpet trying to dig..... why is she doing all this should i deter the behavior or let it run its couse because of course nothing will happen right?

Can you help me understand this poem? (its Greek to me)?

I partially agree with your teacher I think it is about fall and that it is harvesting time but it really is sort of tricky to understand.


renuka is from hyderabad.was she blind then.a simle fir was not allowednobody not a single media asked a questio to adhra cm.where was madhukishwar and secular women who want freedom for women when taslima was being beaten up.and she was in a decent clothing too.where was girija vyas?did congress govt ban mim?

One difference between meiosis I and meiosis II is that _____.?

The only logical answer here is C. Crossover occurs in Prophase I only. E is incorrect because Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase occurs in both Meiosis I and Meiosis II. Answere A,B, and D are completely false.

What are y'all Brits like?

if I followed your reasoning then I would probably imagine a wide mouth a substantial rear end (from all that cow riding or whatever) perhaps a streak of oil on nose or cheek and grubby fingers from all of them there gushers or oil wells in your garden. following the facts and having many usa friends/contacts then I expect a normal person with a different accent drinks coffee tea water etc travels by car bus train taxi etc has the internet at home work and school has all the modern technology - how odd because all of us brits tend to be exactly the same as you save for one thing we 'ain't' as self opinionated as 'you all' seem to be. no hang on i meant you as in YOU not your fellow texans or americans as i am sure you are not representative of the norm!(ps I live in a rather posh 'gated' development in a modern apartment with it's own private patio in Surrey one of the nicest places in the world - no smelly dangerous dirty oil wells for us and not over run with smelly cattle either - you are welcome to texas so enjoy!)

Do different isotopes of the same element have the same emission spectra?

I just need to know if they do or not. I think they do, because there are different electron drops, but I'm not sure.

My five month old son has started sucking his thumb and no longer wants the pacifier what should I do?

change the type of pacifier or he needs the next step up, or just let him do his thing, just remember though its easier to take away a pacifier than the thumb.

Is paris hilton pregnant?

i heard that she was once and i havent heard it again. i heard that joel madden was the father (lead singer of good charlotte) but isnt he with nicole richie? ehh im soo confusedd lol

Saturday, November 12, 2011

What takes plaster off a cell phone?

I answered my phone (samsung blackjack) with plaster on my hands and there is some dried onto the phone, what will safely take this off?

They don't have maltesers in america?

hey stop talking bad about us americans there is something similar to maltesers here it called reeces penut er cup its delicious if they dont have that in england i aoint going from miami to london for winter break then

Obama v MC Cain???????????

I'm from the UK, and I agree with all the above, every time I come on here it's 'Obama or McCain' so is there only two candidates in America? or these two being pushed onto you, are you being force fed their lies so you think you have a choice? as ddb777 said Ron Paul has everything the US needs right now, he warned of this coming a year ago, but there is more than him out there 'for the constitution', I haven't heard the Constitution mentioned by these two jokers.

Why won't it let me recruit Boone or Veronica in fallout new vegas?

i had rex with me when i tried to recruit boone, it said i could only have one follower at a time so i sent him to the lucky 38, but he would still say let me know when there is room for me, same thing along those lines with veronica except with ED-E. Please help

If Glenn Beck wants to get back to how it was on 9/12, why all the names?

I don't remember people calling Bush Stalin, Hitler, Castro, the Joker or Hugo Chavez on September 12, 2001?

What is a barrel saddle pad?

the horse i ride 23 year old arabian, is somewhat skinny, because she used to be neglected she now has enough weigh to ride and i have ridden her a few times. usually i use a foam support pad underneath then a saddle blanket. the saddle blankets always seem to big. so i just found this "barrel saddle pad" i liked how it was smaller in size. a href="http://www.chicksaddlery.com/page/CDS/PROD/1030/FBP623" rel="nofollow"http://www.chicksaddlery.com/page/CDS/PR…/a i was wondering if i could use this double fleece pad with a regular western pleasure/trail saddle. i would like to use this fleece one so she doesn't have to wear a support. will it fit the saddle?

Have I been misdiagnosed as a sociopath?

ask for meds to help you, I wouldnt worry too much about a diagnosis as it often doesnt lead to a cure

Why is Mitt Romney staying in the race?

He's got no chance whatsoever. He's an idiot if he thinks he is going to have some kind of boost and surp McCain. He should drop out now. Same with that dope Mike Huckabee. Who in their right mind would want a guy like Mitt Romney as their president? Everytime I hear his name I think of my baseball glove I had when I was a kid. I hated it.

I have a pacifier and wonder what people would think about me?

Im a teen. i have a pacifier as it relaxes me. what do people think?? What would people do?? and no im not a drug addict

How do I introduce my dog-agressive dog to a new one?

i would bring the new one home on a leash of course and while waiting outside have someone bring the other one out and go for a walk ... do not allow them to meet or sniff each other ... walk as far and as long as you can ... this should decrease both dogs energy and when you turn around to come home, allow a little sniffing about ... if the big guy goes for the new guy, strong leash correction and a strong no and then start walking again ... when you get home, let your dog in the house first and then bring the new one in and keep him on the leash ... if your big dog seems okay lead the new one around the new home so he can get comfortable in his new environment ... if all is going well, then you can unleash the new one, always supervise until you are comfortable they are friends, it could be a day, it could be months ... always correct any negative behaviour, even if it is the new one growling at the big one ... always treat dingo first, first out before the littler one, always fed first, always greeted first, which will help cut down on "jealousy" or whatever it is in dog terms ... i work as a dog sitter with lots of little snappy dogs and when i start with a long tiring walk, i have only ever had one fight in the house and it was over in seconds ... good luck, i hope you get the new one ... sounds like he will be a good friend and influence on dingo :O)

What anime characters do you believe are other anime characters only in a paradox.?

Like say this anime character acts like this anime character from another anime. Also they just so happen to look like each other even if a little bit. They don't have to look alike however...

Does anyone have any ideas for a room in a haunted house.?

A couple of friends ranging from 3 to 6 and me are working in a haunted house and we were given a room to come up with a scary skit for. Well the first weekend sucked. Nobody had come up with anything so we had to make something up on the spot. People laughed at us we sucked do bad. This room is technically a old fashioned Kitchen with a huge old stove and a sink and a old fireplace. We need a skit to do in in. It has to be short and it has to do with an old fashioned family. We don't have any props to work with that we have to but. household items are good. Right now we are doing a little baby doll attacking all of us. Its bad. Please Help.

When doing an experiment with a pendulum, where do you measure the length from?

The end of the pendulum is a set of weights. Is it from the top of the string to half way down the weights?

Why didn't Phillip Rivers make the pro bowl?

He was the highest rated QB in the NFL and tied for the most TDs. He took his team to the playoffs and won at least one playoff game unlike Favre or Kerry Collins even though LT and Merriman were out. But yet Favre gets voted in, then Collins ends up as his replacement? Could someone please explain this BS to me?

Where can I find a great website or book about Italian and Greek History?

I've been starting to get really interested in Italian history. I would like to learn more about their ancient history and renaissance period. Things to do with art, like the Vitruvian Man and Statue of David (Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci.) Also, the war history, like the Crusaders, and other beliefs like that. One last thing that I would like to study deeper, is the Medici Family. This is all for personal interest. OH! And if anyone knows random and mysterious symbols like the Volknut, and anything relating to Greek and Norse Mythology, would be excellent. I really love Greek Mythology, so really anything to do with Greece would be super! Thanks!

I want ti convert decimal to binary by using stack in C++?

you can implement stack using array than do push pop on array this stack.h file may be giving error please check

Is my dalmation molly(fish) pregnant?

your fish might be pregnant because i have a fish that kept getting fatter and fatter and then kept getting skinier

What Would You Think On a First Impression?

At first impression i think your really pretty, and i dont think you need to do anything else!just keep doing what you are doin because you look great! you should be able to get any guy you want!

Jews: When is your war on Egypt ?

According to a href="http://whois.domaintools.com/zionismexplained.org" rel="nofollow"http://whois.domaintools.com/zionismexpl…/a that domain was registered by a man named Donald Dinelli from Oakland, California. That doesn't sound like a Jewish name to me. I think you've fallen into a propaganda trap. Notice how there's a perfectly straight line across the bottom of that "region"? How very odd. Totally fabricated.

What do u about World War 2?

There isn't enough space here to answer all those questions. Look at the website below to find the answers.


Prior to examining the results of the experiment we needed to run some simple tests. When we tested a starch solution (starch + water) with iodine the solution turned a blue/black color. How did we conclude that it was the starch that made the iodine turn blue/black and not the water?

The best sketch ever from a sketch comedy show?

What's the best sketch of ALL TIME? Think about SNL, Mad TV, In Living Color, Mr. Show with Bob and David, etc, etc, etc. What was the one best sketch (or reoccuring character) from all the sketch comedy shows?

Can you help me with identifying the controls and variables?

Control group are the mice that have not been exposed. I think the dependant variable are the mice that are microwaved and the independant variable is th etest with the block of wood.

What to wear with these shoes?

I'd say anything from skinny jeans to flared jeans to workout pants or shorts. I personally like that style of shoe with jeans that are slightly flared. I wear my Puma Future Cats with slightly flared jeans like this a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/39715038@N00/4338490948/" rel="nofollow"http://www.flickr.com/photos/39715038@N0…/a

What would you do to get closure?

My ex broke up with me out of the blue over a year ago. In hindsight I know all the things I did wrong, pressuring moving in together, talking about marriage, nagging etc.. I have emailed him twice over the past year suggesting meeting up for coffee and he has replied yes but when I set a date to meet up he doesn't get back to me. I end up saying its fine we don't have to meet up and he replies oh sorry I didn't see your email some other time. But then he doesn't get in contact with me. I have changed a lot in the last year. My career is on track, I'm living away from my parents, learned to drive and just improved myself generally. I would like to see him, maybe for closure, just to see how he is, and who knows maybe he might see how I'm different. I just don't want to chase him by sending him another message. Especially since he ended things so abruptly. Any advice mucho appreciated. I have dated other men since but noone comes close.. thank you.

Music in my bedroom too loud?

i'm sure it was fine. especially if you were playing the music from the laptop's speakers, I mean they couldn't get too loud. the cough might have been from someone who was walking down the hall near the door.

Is anyone watching extreme poodles now?

if your watching extreme poodles do u know if the roller derby girl poodle is a special breed if poodle? I just like is fur how it's more curly looking and more maintanable. Is he just a poodle or special kind of poodle? Thanks :)

Chemistry chemistry help asap!?

Write balanced molecular, ionic, and net ionic equations for the reactions of nickel (gives Ni2+) with solution of dilute sulfuric acid to give hydrogen plus the metal ion in solution (ume full acid dissociation). In each equation include physical states in your answer and use minimal integer numbers for coefficient input.

Find global reaction when given partial reactions?

Do this problem by putting all the reactants on one the left and all the products on the right. Then cross off things that are on both sides (like an algebra eqn)

Wierd video card results after installing Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit?

Before I installed Windows 7 Ultimate I was running XP(SP3) and when I brought up my dxdiag information It listed my Direct X as being 10, and on the display tab it listed my card as a Geforce 9400GT 1G. I just now reinstalled my computer with Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit edition and I also added 2 gigs of RAM. And now when I do dxdiag, it has my Direct X listed as 11, and on my display page the memory of my 9400GT is now 2.2 Gigs. Can anyone explain what the heck happened? is this typo or something? My WEI is online a 4.3 with my processor being the lowest rating and my video card as being a 5.8. Im new to 7 so if anyone can explain what caused my DirectX to upgrade to 11 when im pretty sure 9400GTs aren't 11 compatible, and why my vid card now has 2.2gigs of ddr instead of its original 1 would be awesome. Thank You

Friday, November 11, 2011

Anybody know who carmen really is?

anybody know who carmen really is? the one lady who sings lean like a chola and owns carmenscalls.com?


He's gonna throw a few picks. The Jets will be expecting a lot of throws to Moss. Either Favre will throw a lot of picks or the Vikings will give up on their ping game and switch to their running game.

Prom Dress Corset question...PLEASE help!?

hi there, i think i understand what u are saying yr skin would be on show. if this is right u made feel uncomfortbale with yr skin showing. i had a dress like that and what i did was got my mums sewing manchine and brought some fabric whivh matched the material has best i could and made a panel for the back of the dress placed in and then tied the dress up u need an adult to help u but it can be done in a low cost way hope this help xx

Twin Peaks-Did Agent Cooper ever escape the Black Lodge?

In the final episode of "Twin Peaks," Laura Palmer says to Agent Dale Cooper, "I'll see you in 25 years." In the end of the movie: "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me," we see Cooper and Laura in the Black Lodge, but there's an angel with them. Laura is older, a woman now. Does that mean that by waiting 25 years (presumably, for Gerard to defeat "BOB" at last), he and Laura are granted page into the White Lodge? That would account for the "fade to white" with Laura's smiling face at the end of the film. Or would it? Accepting the fact that Cooper literally sacrificed his "soul" to Bob in order to save Annie, why must he wait? Isn't voluntarily surrendering your soul for love enough to grant him page into the White Lodge? Why did his "shadow self" survive? Please debate vigorously.

Samsung i607 blackjack.. internal speaker not working?

make sure the volume of the earpiece is up to the max, mine which is i616 has it on the left side close to the top. If no go i guess is repair.

I feel really embarred about going to the doctor? (private medical condition) help?

The doctors and nurses (I'm one) have seen so many es that it's like looking at your hand to them. You need to overcome your embarrment and talk to your dad about it. If you just find it impossible to talk to him about it, each day put a little Vaseline, or something gentle on it and work on pulling it back a little more each time. The end should look like an acorn when you are done.

What upgrades should i do to my 98 civic ex?

stay away from the ebay crap. Also what do you want. If you want it to be faster, sell off all the stereo crap you just bought, and gut it rip out all the sound deading material, back seat, carpet plastic trim, everything, Lowering springs will get you nothing other than blown shocks. The Skunk2 Pro intake is a good option, as is a adj FPR, or a slightly bored out TB. Stick with a 15" rim, or your handleing will suffer. Good high quilaty shocks will run about 15oo for adj coilovers. Go with Pword JDM traigulated strut bars. If you can get a K swap for 2K you are a lucky SOB, They run more like 5-6K complete. a lightly modded B will run you around 2k and will basically double your power. If you really are serious about this look into the big boys. AEM, Moton, Skunk, Bisimoto, EXOSPEED, Crower, Hondata, Spend the time and do the research. You have to remember HP=money. plain and simple. But if you really want a motor swap look into the 3.2L v6. If it will fit in my EG HB it will fit in your 98. Also it is header not headers. you only have 1.

How's my story sound?

It sounds too much like Percy Jackson. I could re-write the entire thing to sound like Percy Jackson and the Olympains, but with different names, items and seetings in place of yours.

Australia lotto lottery inc?

is this address true? Australia lotto lottery - head office 6123 cool street Rd . somewherevull Ax34587

NBA 2K11 My Player Attribute Question?

In my player, my guy is 88 in shot inside, and 88 shot close, but when I go convert it to the graded attributes I have a C+ in the shot inside category. Now Elton Brand is 85 shot inside, and 88 shot close, and his grade is a B+. That kinda bothers me, is there any other attribute that affects shot inside that I'm missing? Please help!

If this isn't OCD - what is it?

I have many of the obsessions from OCD (fear of contamination, need for symmetry) to a distressing degree, but no compulsive behavior whatsoever. What is this disorder called?

Could the new batman movie, The Dark Knight, be cursed?

It's a big success, but is it a curse or a coincidence. First, there was the death of Heath Ledger to an ACCIDENTAL overdose, then Christain Bale is having a legal problem with his family, and now Morgan Freeman is injured from a car crash. It's almost like a modern day Macbeth (which was a popular play in its day but was deemed cursed.) What do you think? Curse or Coincidence?

Is Barry Bonds bitter?

A few days ago at a banquet someone read off all of Barry Bonds accomplishments. Bonds replied by saying "I did all that, and got fired." Does he have a right to be bitter with the Giants?

Which concert should i go see?

black eyed peas would be a sick concert. a lot of fun. not saying that the other's wouldnt be amazing to see, but b.e.p. would be so hype!

RFID Chips? Revelation Obama healhtcare...?? help!!?

You already have it! It is beneath your skin! Don't you feel that lump? You have to dig it out now before it is too late!

Good literature and book suggestions?

Read books by Jane Austen, Jeffrey Archer, Emily Bronte, Paulo Coelho, Agatha christie, Arthur Conan Doyle,C S Lewis

How was the blue - black coloration formed when iodine was added to starch?

The amylose, or straight chain portion of starch, forms helices where iodine molecules emble, forming a dark blue/black color.

Just lost over 85lb. and I don't ever have an appetite...?

congratulations on your weight loss. i would suggest you eat small snacks throughout the day. i eat six 250 calorie mini meals. i have lost 26 pounds in 13 weeks and i feel great. i try to eat healthy things like fruit, nuts, low fat dairy, veggies, low fat meat and the occasional protein bar. if you need someone to talk to, please email me. i will do what i can to help you. good luck.

What ual processes in fungi generate genetic variation?

Karyogamy is one of two sources of genetic variation in fungi. It works by forming somatic diploids when two haploid cells merge. These diploid cells can undergo meiosis.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What's good for a dodgy stomach!?

I've had a really bad stomach of late, including really bad wind which smells horrible and stomach cramps and a churning stomach, also sometimes have shooting pains coming from my backside if i hold in the toxic odours (cant let them out in most places..)!! I've tried sorting out my diet, eating a lot of salad, not so smelly food although I do drink a few beers on the weekend which I'm going to try to cut out, is there any good remedies that can be recommended? I was thinking liver salts?

Why is the death penalty bad?

I have a debate on Thursday and I need to know some more, even though I think I've got most of the arguments down. Oh, and if you can think of a good answer in case the team we're going against (they support the death penalty) asks us, "What about terrorists like Saddam Hussein?," I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

How to fix being gay?

If you are truly gay you can't "fix" it. People are born being attracted to either the same the oppistie or both. Here's how you decied if you're really . Think about how you would feel if a girl kissed you.. made out with you.. touvhed you in your "manly area"/ If you'd like that than you're not gay, but if you'd also like it if a guy did they sam ething you're bi. If you dont like girls your gay. Accept it. Just learn to accept your uality. It's as simple as that. And It's probly best that you dont tell anyone for a while about your uality until you've dedied that's you you are.

I'm screwed. I recently got sick, but i have a PSAT test tomorrow?

What can i do to help myself focus and what should i do tonight? i have an excessive runny nose. like snot seriously just drools down. and i cough a lot. and my head hurts, feels like it's huge. and i have my psat test tomorrow. what can i do tonight to make myself feel better? also the nights are pretty hot these days, should i still dress warmly? i hate being sick -_-

What was the name of that czech movie...?

I don't know either but what you may have overlooked is the keyword search in IMDB. Search stuff like 'black dog', 'lightning' and anything else you can remember. Hope you find it!

How can I remove stains?

Spray 'n Wash is good. I use Tide and Oxy-Clean on messed up stuff after I've sprayed with Spray 'n Wash.

I have officially retired from the wrestling section?

As commented today, Michael Van Peirses has officially retired from the wrestling section. The wresling section of Yahoo Answers wishes him good in all of his future endeavors.

Can you tell me some information on Mitt Romney since he might become McCain's running mate?

He was the governor of Machusetts. They had a deficit when he entered office and a surplus when he left. He rescued the olympics in Salt Lake from financial mismanagement and corruption (it actually turned a nice profit) and he is a successful businessman. All great economic qualifications.

Can people stop with all these stupid groups in the wrestling section + WQ?

Yea, I just got on here and I notice that I have seen two new groups, people need to chill, it really doesn't matter to me because IMO, there are only 10 good users in the section any way, let them make there groups, maybe its what keep them going.

Pendulum period problem...?

Time period is inversely proportional 2 sqrt of gravity. so t/t'= sqrt(g'/g) 1/t' = sqrt (g'/g) t' = sqrt ( g/g')

How Many Alleles Do Uncles And Nieces Have In Common?

Ok, so you can match father and child by testing if they share 23 of the same 46 chromosomes. How many do Aunt/Uncle and Niece/Nephew share?

Astro: Me Taurus, he's Aries, Good Match?

Well Aries and Taurus are not good at all. But if the other influences in the chart are strong then this can be a very successful relationship. There seems to be the elements of Aquarius, Libra, & Gemini which are wonderful together and Aries blends in nice with them. You don't have to worry much about the planets because those don't tend to be potent influences on you. The strongest are the sun, moon, & ascendant/rising. I would just say don't let too much of the bad side of Taurus get out, and this will be a wondeful relationship(:

Is bipolar disorder hereditary?

Yes it is, but that doesn't mean that if your parent has it you will definenately get it. Or if you have it you will definenately p it on. It is a possibility though so watch for signs and read as much as u can to prepare yourself.

Hi i need to downgrade from windows vista to xp on an advent 5401 laptop?

I'm having serious problems trying to downgrade vista to xp on an advent 5401 laptop, the laptop won't even boot from the xp disc, i've changed the boot device order in the BIOS to boot from cd rom and i'm aware that i need to change the hard drive type before it will recognise the boot disc but i have tried every hard drive type option available on the BIOS screen and it still won't recognise the boot disc, if anyone has resolved this issue please could you let me know how you did it, many thanx in advance

What are the ways of slimming down about 15 kgs without doing much of an exercise in 4 months?

Try to live on just fresh air & water. If you survive you would have achieved your objective!!! - PEPMAN

Is the phrasing "pants measurements" or "pant measurements" correct?

My roommate and I are having an argument and as reigning grammatical master in our house lol I just need to confirm this. Since the pants are a possessive noun (I think) they take a singular form (i.e. pant seam, pant lining, etc.)

How do i know what size mountain board to get?

I'm 6'2" and 160 lbs. and heavy into snowboarding. wanting to buy a mtn. board for the offseason, i'm a 159w in a snowboard, but don't know what sizee mountain board to get :) help, thanks

Final fantasy VII...the game plzzz?

No other movies on that story but there is a psp game called Crisis Core that deals with Zach and Cloud. It really helps with it overall, I don't recall to much about the game but I think Zach was the soldier cloud thought he was. In the flash back parts where you play as cloud, that was really all Zach. The game gives a good enough explanation of it all and if you have a ps3 you can get it on there for fairly cheap. Other then that you could try to find the old ps1 game online at places like ebay and then use a playstation emulator to play it.

Where can I find a video of Hugh & The Girls of the Playboy Mansion on "The View"?

I'm looking for a video of Holly, Bridget, Kendra and Hugh being interviewed on the abc show "The View" by Barbara Walters and possibly some other people? Apparently they called Hugh a "dirty old man". I can't find a video of it anywhere, help!

You`re on a spaceship?

1 hour from earth and the ships oxygen is running out. Your spacesuit is the only one with enough oxygen to get to Earth. Who do you give it to?

What is RSMTD clause in fire policy C?

Is it necessary the for payment of claim under fire policy that damage should be caused by fire and if terrorist act cause damage without incident of fire is claim still payable. In the subject case the terrorists took away stocks at gun point and company repudiated claim on the ground the risk is not covered and that no fire incident took place

Better place to move from CA: orlando or tampa? Also, good safe apt areas in orlando?

Lake county in central florida is really nice for a home. Also Hunter's Creek, and Dr. Phillips. I currently live in Metro west (which is halfway between Disney and Downtown, but close to the good restaurants and malls) and the complex is very nice. I really love my current apartment. There are plenty of affordable ones and usually have good move in deals. Check Rent.com

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Haven't Indians become more coward and lazy after the independence from the great Britain?

i don't agree with u ,u said who can't protest y don't u say we can protest yes we r democratic n as the citizen we have every right,even to raise question against corruption but we don't do because we say its government responsible y u always depend on government we change we can teach lessons to these corrupted people n politicians.What do u think?

Rephrase this? babysittttttting..!! please 10 points!?

So i emailed this lady and told her im interested in her babysitting job. she emailed back and said to call her so we can talk. what am i suppossed to say? Something like Hi this is (my name) im just calling back because you told me to about the babysitting job. not those words, because i dont want to sound dumb! so how could i make that sound good? thanks so much

How can i get over my stupid fear of.....?

Hey, you changed your avatar... I know every says this, but its true, Nobody is perfect!! Not even that evil football player! Maybe he's scared of, i dont know, erflies or something like that. What did your gf do when cried? meh, when i hear people laughing, i think its about me, even if i didn't mess up, especially if its the stupid populars at school. Just laugh it off when you mess up, and think its no big deal, perhaps that will help. Good luck!

I'm 17 and my parents are threatening to give me to the state.?

Parenting a teenager is a tough job but being a teenager is even tougher. I commend you in the fact that you know you do not want to die nor do you want to be a ward of the state; however, you have to turn to someone. Please speak to a school counsellor and/or a social worker in your area before your parents do and make you look like you are just a worthless teenager.You need to get someone involved so they can direct you toward your future and help you develop a healthy relationship with parents. You are NOT a hopeless case and it doesn't matter what ugly/hurtful words your father and mother have yelled at you -- you are worth saving. You already recognize you need help and you are asking for a hand-up not a hand-out so decide what is the best plan of action and get going.

To Kill A Mockingbird- Jean Louise Finch/Scout?

asides from atticus finch, and calpurnia, who is another person that influenced Scout in a positive mannor, guiding her away from racism?

Why do you approve of Paul Ryan's "The Path to Prosperity"?

I haven't been this excited about hope for our nations future, in a long time! Congratulations to Representative Ryan for his courage in bringing a budget proposal forward that tears into deficit spending and provides hope that America can pull out of the fiscal tail spin currently led by liberals and progressives.

When you pour water from a beaker into a flask, there is a change in its....?

Definition: "Liquids have a definite volume but no definite shape. They will take the shape of their container"...Answer..c).

Is there a maximum amount of how many new sororities can be on a UC campus? or is it unlimited amount?

For example say I wanted to start the Omega Phi Beta sorority on my campus, is there a maximum Cap i have to follow that might not let me start a new sorority?

Thigh sizes?

that girl has ab definition and exercises, try getting into pilates... if you are in good shape you should look good irrespective of your physical weight

Poll: Why do Black men think its good that white women want them for ?

Thats basically like saying theyre like animals. I have never heard a white woman say shes liked black men because of their intellect or anything like that, It always has to do with looks and . Thats why those relationships BM/WW never work.

Can anyone tell me anything about Pierre Auguste Cot's "Springtime?"?

I can't find anything on it online or in my library. All i know is that its and idealistic neoclical painting in the 19th century...

Do you think this constant misspelling of the word Atheist implies a lack of knowledge?

To me it merely implies that the rule "i before e, except after c" has been too widely taught and ingrained into our everyday thinking. What we really need to do is fight the educators who teach this kind of trash to our kids, day in and day out.

What's the point? Why argue over religion? What's it solving?

Why the constant argument between who's right and who's wrong? What happened to peace, and allowing others to believe what they want to? Why can't I say "I'm a Christian" or say "I'm not a Christian" without receiving some sort of slander from some social or religious group? What happened to just leaving people alone? If you're accusing someone of having a smaller brain because they believe in something you don't, where's your tolerance?

How would i go about starting a website?

i want to start my own website, with alot of cool features, blah blah. where would i get decent software to do so? how do i get a domain name? how can i get ads and affiliations on it? how can i profit from this?\

Broken boiler?????.....?

When my meter runs out of gas, i have to relight my boiler when i top it up. I went to do this earlier but the switch i use to turn it to relight wouldn't move so i think it's stuck. I've had no heating or hot water all day, I have a bad cold and a 5 month old baby so not the best of times for this to happen. Anyone have the same kind of boiler that can help or anyone have any advice in general? Thanks x

Is it plagiarizing if i rearrange the words in a sentence?

Absolutely that is plagiarizing. It is not your own thought, you copied it from someone else. Rearranging does nothing.

If the scale height of the atmospheric transparency is 4000 m, what horizontal distance has equal attenuation?

farther than the horizon would allow you to see on a planet this small, and your data comes from this planet.

What is the little black pluggy box that came out of my van??? It's not a fuse box....?

I inherited my dad's van when he died, essentially. He had left it to my sister, and it had some problems, so after her non-mechanically-inclined husband tried to fix it, she gave it to me. He pulled out this box, approximately 3 or 4 inches long, 1 inch deep, and 3 1/2 inches wide. It has plugs like the prongs on a plug you plug into the wall on one end, but they are in two horizontal lines - 5 in one, two in the other row. She said it came from underneath the dash on the driver's side, but I can't figure out where it goes. I drive a 1990 Chevy Astro (or would, if I could finish rembling things!). Thanks in advance!

The Conversation -Hank Williams Jr. and Waylon Jennings?

I always interpreted it to mean the way they were playing their music today, the fact that they broke away from Nashville and insinuating that he would agree with the way they were doing thing's and he would be the first one on the bus to do a show with them; that he would be right their by their side.

Best way to measure velocity??

A ball being shot across the horizontal or a measuring how high a ballistic pendulum takes a ball (it does goes into the air)...why or why not?

Do you know anything recently discovered about the aztecs?

I'd like to know anything recent that was uncovered or anything just recently known about the aztec. Please...

Am I doing the right thing? I will spend time with my grandchildren when my husband is not home.?

He gets upset when they do things that kids do. My 11 year-old granddaughter recently camped in our backyard with one of her friends. They took some gles of smoothie into the tent and left them in overnight. He was angry about that saying that it would attract bugs. I had them clean the few drips up. He got angry when I made them pancakes for breakfast and they didn't eat it all. He is extremely protective of his "stuff". At times, we have taken my grandchildren to do things with us but he only wants them to come if their parents can join us. I love being a grandmother and love being with my grandchildren. I don't want each time to be miserable because of his lack of patience with children.

Is this a good laptop?

it will work good for word/internet type applications.. but any high quality games/video/audio editing and formatting will not do well on this laptop. it is a very barebones set up

Guys and girls.. you know if..?

A guy stares at your and doesnt normally. Is there a chance he liked you more than he did before? i know this sounds so stupid but please dont be mean to me im not a tart or anything im far from it , i just wonderd

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Going to shop for cosmetics..help?

Here is something get some makeup sponges,and then get some L'Oreal foundation,eyeliner,and lipgloss.

What do you know about Nephites?

I'm studying the Book of Mormon also. But, this may sound stupid, but I'm not so sure about your question. I think you should ask the Missionaries. I'm pretty sure they would have one of the best answers you can get.

Its been 4 months and i'm still not over him =[..help?

.Was a bit premature to end a relationship because you would be away for two months.Now it's immature to ignore each other.Look if this was a mutual agreement to split,l don't see why he's so standofish.

Now that Iran is having Russia refine their Uranium, what propaganda will zionists use now to justify war?

Probably how Iran "possessed" a Nuclear arms or that Iran fired the first missiles into Israel.

Fengi Shui?

I live in Australia, what is the best area and ornament to use to attract money. Genuine people only. Thanks

How to use a Chefmate Knife Sharpener?

The slots should be numbered. It would als depend on how dull the knife is. If it's really dull start with 1 and work your way up. Also try going to the web site and see if the manual is there

Is it bigoted to call a bigot bigoted?

a href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010/apr/28/gordon-brown-bigoted-woman" rel="nofollow"http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010/…/a

Powerpuff girls dress up ideas?

me and my friends are dressng up as the powerpuff girls for out sadies dance[the theme is superhero]. we want matching outfits but in the different colors[blue,green,red]. so if we wear a bow we wear the same bow but in different colors. any ideas?

Could anyone please figure out how many actual school days are left until June 16th?

I did an online countdown, but I want to know minus holidays, weekends, and vacation. Unfortunately, I have way too much hw to count it out right now, but if anyone has time and wants some points for answering a question, I'd reallllyy appreciate it.

What would be a good name?

I have a little wrestling group,and my friends gimmick is a vampire/gothic diva.Whats a good name for her? something besides ARIEL

Are the troops defending our country or just bringing freedom to iraq?

I don't see how the troops are defending our country from a poor country who can't really invade us. I mean people are always going to say 9/11 but most say that was a conspiracy. Im not saying it was im saying if they were to invade us we would wipe them out before they even touch the soil so are the troops defending this country or bringing freedom to iraq. I noticed the mission has changed overtime.Weapons of m destruction(they're a poor country how could they have that and even if they did why not use them), Saddam(ok we executed him...but didnt he have knowledge to the weapons of m? or did we execute him and not ask?), Now finding osama...(idk if osamas even real and if he is hes probaly dead.What are your thoughts about the war?

My friends account got stolen by the points man?

my friends xbox live account got stolen by the points man and my friend talked to xbox and told him the right info he used when he signed up but he didnt know the answer to the secret question because he didnt remember picking the ques

Investigation Math answer please?

I can't answer the first question because I don't see any balance, The second question however is easy she just finds two coins that weigh exactly the same and then she compares the rest of the coins with one of the first two, one of them will be lighter which will be the fake coin

Phone help please? prank calls?

Someone keeps on calling me from a new jersey area code number about 12 times a day! everytime i answer no body is there and when i call the number back it says det o1 your call cannot be completed as dialed please hang up and call again. i did some research and im not the only one the number is 201-621-5696

How has this case affected society? How has this case affected the business community? Cite one outside source?

in martha Stewart case How has this case affected society? How has this case affected the business community? Cite one outside source to support your answers.

What's a good cry for help short of trying to kill my self(I would not do that!!)?

make a doctors appointment. talk to the doctor. explain how you feel. talk to your school counselor. Don't give up. keep talking. It works. if you have to, call the crisis center if you are in a bad state. they can help too.

How can I loosen the exhaust on a 99 Isuzu Trooper to change the starter?

I have been trying to change the starter for 4 days not but cannot manage to get the exhaust loosened to get the starter out. Any suggestions?

What are the reasons a guy would want a secret relationship?

There's this guy that I hooked up with before but now I don't want that and he won't leave me alone. He keeps trying to get with me. I kind of liked him before, but i'm trying to let him go now but it's hard when he keep tryin to talk to me again. When he was texing me he told me he wants to be with me, and people can see us together but he doesnt want everyone to know that we're together. He said he doesnt feel comfortable with a relationship out in the open because drama and fights always got started. He even told me he had feelings and loved me. Why is he doing all this, is it all a lie to hook up with me again?

VIP pes to Demi Lovato concert in hershey?

Does anyone know of any places to get VIP pez to meet Demi and David in hershey on friday Aug 21st?? Where people have told me to go...they are sold out:[ Someone help me pleasee:]

Using a lost sim card?

My friend recently found a old, may be a company phone since it pops up the companys name on it. Its been a pretty long time(couple of weeks) now, and they haven't canceled it, or called to claim it back. So he took out the sim card and put it in another phone and is now using it, would he get into trouble what so ever if they find out that he was using it? Or, even get tracked down because of it?

Where are the best places (us) to buy older (85-94) cars?

I'm talking probably along the east coast. As close to New Hampshire as possible. I'm looking to buy a super clean Honda Prelude Si. But it also has to be cheap (under 4k). Craigslist only let's you search one small area at a time, When this car isnt really super common, I see maybe 2 half way decent ones for each areas. Any insight?

Who would you rather pitch game 7?

Johan Santan or Jaba / Hughes?? Because if you say Johan, then you better understand why a trade for the best pitcher in baseball is worth giving up an unproven prospect.

Wat singer or band?

ciera, beyonce, hil duff, mandy moore, rihanna, justin t., jojo, jlo nelly, nelly furtado, akon gwen stefani, pink, linkin park, 50 cent, the fray, lifehouse, blink 182, the almost, underoath, angles and airwaves, red jumpsuit apperates, OR lil mamma ?

How can you tell if someone has swine flu, and how often is it fatal?

Hi, I think that my dad might have swine flu, by reading the symptoms. He is 45 years old; he has a terrible cough, hes very achey and he seems to be dead tired all the time. I'm really worried about him , so if you could please let me know everything that you know that may help, i was also wondering, how often this disease is fatal, and if you have it , how can you reduce your chances of dying, and lowering the symptoms. please post answer quickly im very worried ! :(

In the "The Great Gatsby", Notice how many times the author uses the words hope or dream. Why does he do this?

I haven't heard of "The Great Gatsby" so I can't tell anything clearly but my opinion, it's about the author. It may be because of something he lived before or living right then. Most authors have word(s) that they use frequently, i can't give any other example but you can even notice this in lyrics from the same writer's hands

Is epilepsy a hereditary trait that can be ped down in dogs?

I have a pure breed dachshund male of good stock that I am considering having bred. He does have occasional seizures and was given the generic diagnosis of epilepsy. His seizures are rare and very mild. I do wonder if his tendency to have seizures is a trait that could possibly be ped onto to his pups, should we have him bred. Does anyone know about this?

How serious is a double kidney infection?

I had a uti about 2 weeks ago, and before that a kidney/bladder infection. Well now i have a double kidney infection and the bladder and uti is all cleared up apparently. I'm on strong meds to get rid of this one. But what are the damages these infections can do to my kidneys? Should I be getting checked for something more profound? Why do I keep getting them in the last little while? And how do I get rid of the awful awful pain?

Would you date a girl who had long brown hair, and tri-colored eyes? With an incredible personality.?

You have eyes that could be looked into for ever, a body like a models and the personality that dreams era made of . Yes all day long!

Is it rude to speak in Spanish when not everyone understands?

I have been dating a man from Colombia. He's very nice and seems interested in me. However, he sinks back into speaking nothing but Spanish when he's around his friends. His friends all understand and speak English. I felt so left out over dinner while they chattered in Spanish, leaving me out of the conversation -- even when I later learned the topic moved to questions about me! I can understand that it's tempting to speak in your native language, but my friend voluntarily immigrated to the United States where English is the predominant language. Should I bring up being shut out of the conversation and ask him to speak in English?

I'm sure my quit just moved backwards by itself...?

So i just got out a really hot bath and layed on my heaped quilt on my bed. I was on my laptop and it felt like the back of my quilt had pulled back, almost as if someone had sat behind me. Am i just overreacting and a bit dizzy from the heat of my bath?! I know i sound like a ****.

Parkour in Marion Indiana?

does anyone know of or if there are any parkour teams in marion indiana? im 14 and im new and not all that fit but im tough and willing to learn and train so anyone know anything? please help! lol

When will I receive my finanical aid refund check?

I attend Harold Washington college in Chicago and I was wondering when can I expect to receive a financial aid refund check? Its been about five weeks since I started cl should I expect it sooner or later?

AMC; any predictions?

The spoilers I have read are not too interesting. What do you think is going ot happen to Annie? Does zach know that Kendall has a plan of her own while he and JR have a plan to themselves also. I do not like the new bab, I like the old one better. What about Richie/Wes? I believe he is a liar although some people like Colby turn on Annie to believe in Riche. Hm..... Send your thoughts!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Am I in love with him?

Okay so me and my more-than-a-friend but not yet boyfriend have known each other FOREVER because of our parents. I had a huge crush on him for like 3 years and he always teased me but it was really really mean... like he made me think he thought I was stupid. but then a week ago at a fireman's picnic I started hanging around him and he told my a*h*o*l*e boyfriend off (not in front of me) because I was crying and all my boyfriend had to say was "I'm hungry." He knew not to talk to me for the rest of the night. He tried calling me and my friend picked up the phone and disguised his voice and when my boyfriend asked for me he said I was with the kid who *********/e/d him out and he hung up. Then I didn't want to go back to working at the picnic so I stayed in one spot with him and we talked the whole night and we went for a walk and laid below the stars in the middle of the road & held hands and hugged. Then, at about 1:30 AM he had to leave and his dad gave me the house number and he gave me his cell phone number. I dumped my boyfriend the next day and it was the first time I ever dumped someone all by myself. I called him to tell him about it and he said he was so so proud of me. From that day on we talked every day and he broke his amount of time on the phone record with me. He even called me from his cell phone after he ran out of minutes. He would stay on the phone til 2 even though he had to get up at 5 and I insisted he go to sleep. The picnic was Saturday the 9th and on Monday the 11th he asked me to go to Cabela's with him on Friday (yesterday) His birthday was Thursday and I gave him a card and 40 dollars because it was kind of short notice. Of course, I went with him, his mom, and his dad yesterday and we had a blast. Afterwards, we went back to his house (he has a dairy farm) and we sat up in the hayloft and talked and then we got closer and he kissed me and then we started making out. He was a great kisser. For the rest of the night he had his hands all over me though, and it was REALLY cute. He did a LOT of cute things. Like, we were walking in a field (his cousin Dave was with us) and he said "I have a present for you." And I said, "what?" And he kissed me. It was adorable. So anyways, he hasn't asked me out yet... but I honestly don't know if I just really really like him and I'm totally infatuated or if I love him... please help! What do you think? BTW, he just turned 16 on Thursday and I'll be 14 on the 30th of October.

Flute,Trumpet, Violin trio?

So my two brothers and I are expected to put together something to perform. One of them plays the trumpet, the other one plays violin, and I play the flute. If possible can anyone send me a trumpet, violin, and flute trio? Any key works and 4/4 time signature would be preferable, however cut time works as well. Something meant only for one of each the three instruments listed above. Please send me a link to the sheet music! Thank you!

Brown eyes vs. blue eyes?

why is it that a person with a brown eye color phenotype can carry an allele for blue eyes in thier genotype, but a person with a blue eye phenotype must not have an allele for brown eyes in thier genotype?

Help me remember what 90s rpg computer game i used to play?

Maybe one of the King's Quest games? There were several of them and a few of the things you mentioned ring a bell.

What is it called or what is used when there is a deliberate typo in a newspaper or other publication?

I know that sometimes newspapers put some symbol after a word that is mistyped when they are quoting something or someone. what is used or what is that thing called?

I am 14 and have a lot of?

I am a 14 year old girl and I just had a dramatic weight loss and have a lot of stretch marks on my arms thighs stomach legs and on my hips. What can I do to get rid of them? I tried palmers coco er cream and it only makes my skin soft but dosent atleast make the marks less visible. So are there any creams out there that can help me get rid or reduce the stretch marks.

Samsung blackjack mms/aim help. plz help!?

so i have a samsung blackjack and each time i recieve a mms or try 2 send one it says unable to connect. verify your profile or try again. Yes i did go to the at&t website and the support section i went to the device help and under it the mms and internet connection i noticed that it said the access point and everything was att but on the website it said cingular. ex. wap.att; on the website wap.cingular. and one more question does it matter if u change your phone without telling cingular?? like i had a flip fone bfor and i switched to my bros samsung blackjack. thanks

Is the sabbath a covenant with Jews or is sabbath of the Lord ,Adam and Eve kept sabbath?

I am told the reason we do not keep the sabbath any more is because it was a covenant with the Jews and does not apply to us and that Jesus is the new covenant. I also read in Isaiah 56 about the sabbath being for us , it says any one who will receive the Lords blessings.56:4 For thus saith the Lord unto the eunuch that keep my sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and take hold of my covenant; 56:5 Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off.56:6 also the sons of stranger, that join themselves to the Lord, to serve him , and to love the name of the LOrd, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it , and taketh hold of my coventant: 56:7 Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacfifices shall be accepted upon mine

Adderall Xr Question? Or Vyvanse? Has anyone taken these medications?

I am a 22 year-old mother that has struggled with ADHD for as long as I can remember. I was diagnosed with ADHD around age 7 and was first put on Ritalin for a few years, then was switched to adderall. I remember my dosage of adderall being constantly raised and it helped me concentrate in school but i kept to myself alot. My junior year of high school, i quite cold turkey so that I could join the military the next year. Well I was disqualified for having a high amount of protein in my pee test so the military didnt happen for me. I remember gaining 30+ pounds in the year after stopping adderall. I think it messed my metabolism up but I eventually got into reasonable shape by eating mostly vegetables and running ALOT. About 5 years down the road I got married and had a son, which I feed for a year. I knew I was having difficulty concentrating and was getting fustrated very easily about pretty much EVERYTHING. I remember trying to crochet my son a blanket and getting so upset because I didnt have the focus. I used to crochet many clothes and blankets growing up... it was a special hobby of mine. So about 8 months ago I started taking taking adderall again, except this time i was prescribed the Adderall XR. Well it worked really well and i was actually feeling normal again. I am taking 25mg. I think I have lost about fifteen pounds since starting it. However, my husband says that I have mood swings alot now and I am mean once it kicks in. For the past month it seems that it doesnt work quite as well and i get upset alot more often again and the concentration wears off sooner and now i cant sleep at night and have no energy anymore. I also have gained six pounds in the last two weeks. I recieved something in the mail last week from Shire for a free 30-capsule trial of Vyvanse. I dont know whether I should have the adderall dosage increased or should I try vyvanse? I dont want to take anything that will cause me to gain weight so I am worried about switching, but it seems the adderall is causing me to gain weight now? Has anyone taken these medications before and have any advice? Thankyou!

Are zac efron and emma roberts dating?

last i knew he was still with vanessa they just took a romantic caribbean vacation together and sources said it was clear they were so into each other if he was cheating i would love to get revenge on him for vanessa

Monetary and fiscal policies in dictatorships {R there any}?

Sure. Any capitalist economy requires them, authoritarian or not. China, for example, used a mive fiscal stimulus to combat the current recession, as we did.

Rate my Heartgold team?

I like you team its balanced and you've kept good movesets.(4/5) As for dratini i woud catch it gyrados with icefany can take out claires team without any complications. You can catch dratini/dragonair at pretty high thirties or low fourties it will definitly be worth it when you get your dragonite.

What should i make for a group of friends for valentines day?

You can make a card online at CropMom at a href="http://www.cropmom." rel="nofollow"http://www.cropmom./a Then if you like what you've created, you can purchase for a small fee the high resolution, print-quality JPEG file of your layout. Then you can print it at home or have it printed by a photofinisher. The great thing is that you just have to make one layout then you can have it printed as many times as you'd like.

What happened to all the Dairy Queens?

and Tom Green, Beavis and -Head, Cow and Chicken, GRUNGE, Mase, good SNL skits, baggy pants, Bone Thugs N Harmony, Puffy, music videos on MTV, Warheads, Surge soda, 25 cent bag of chips, Behind the Music, beats not samples, shaking es in music videos, DBZ, Generation X, ice cream trucks, Slick Willy, Ren and Stimpy, funny and scary movies, Darla, Captain Planet, Stretch Armstrong, Gameboy Color, Ricki Lake, Depeche Mode, Giga Pets, Push Pops, Doug, AAAHHHH Real Monsters, Rockos Modern Life!!!( my sh!t), saying: "Thats the bomb!", The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, R.L. Stine books, watching Married with Children (also my sh!t), playing Sonic on a SEGA!, Bob Saget on Americas Funniest Home Videos, watching the Magic School Bus and Arthur on PBS, walking the dog with a Yo-Yo, being super excited to go see Mortal Kombat- Annihilation, Hey Arnold!, Beetlejuice on VHS, collecting as many Pokemon cards as possible- went into debt in the 3rd grade, CatDog, Kenan and Kel- " Why!", gas at $1.01 a gallon, McDonalds and PlayPLace, Disneyland excited you, saying "Talk to the palm cause im the bomb", Macarena was the national dance, buying batteries for your Walkman, showing off your cd player that didnt skip, saturday cartoons on the WB, gluesticks, Wild Thornberrys, buying floppy discs!, boombox with the tape inside just waiting for that Magoo and Missy Elliot song to come on, MAGOO! (where the hells he at??), Ring Pops, any arguement was easily settled with Rock, Paper, Scissors, Wishbone, waiting for the summer, WHAT HAPPENED!?

Liberal here is the definition tell me what part of it you dont agree with?

7 & 8 are bogus. Liberals are tolerant and accepting of everyone, as long as one doesn't disagree with them. Your last statement proves that. If you need more proof then reflect on the treatment liberals dished out on the Palin family during the election.

Has anybody had any success in re-selling/ selling back their timeshare to Sunset Fishermen's Resorts...?

I would make my research carefully before buying any timeshare. Recently visited a href="http://www.dreamholidays.com" rel="nofollow"http://www.dreamholidays.com/a and the idea of having a registered travel agency handle the promotion offer is really great. At least you are sure with who you are dealing and even local authorities can ist you in case there are problems.

Anyone into African Dwarf Frogs?

i have purchased 6 so far and i have lost 3 i have tried everything , purchased a water tester for alkaline, Nitrate, temperature. bewildered1

Pain around my heart area. costochondritis?

This sounds like costochondritis and taking some motrin/ibuprofen regularly for a week or so can often help clear this inflammation up. But, any activities using your arms or repetitive movements or lifting can continue to irritate these muscles and they will not heal up. If you haven't gone to WebMd.com and typed in costochondritis, do so now and read up on how to care for yourself with this condition. You need to change some of your activities that you do with your arms if you want this to heal up completely. As for the shortness of breath, this can be from not being in good physical shape and the activity level you are doing is stressing your lungs. As you become more conditioned, this aspect should go away.

Um,like isnt this like sooo ewww and yuck?

a href="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/answer?qid=20110109001552AAjgKs6"http://answers.yahoo.com/question/answer…/a

How do you stop a puppy from 'hoovering' the floor?

You can't -- a five month old pup is much like a two-three year old child. They taste everything. Just be diligent and try not to expose the pup to anything toxic.

Puppy name?

I just got a new puppy!!!! He is a very small black Snoodle (toy poodle/ mini snauzer) What would be a good name? He is playful and cuddly!! What about inky or blackjack?

An earthquake is 10,000 times as intense as Io, the zero level quake.?

An earthquake is 10,000 times as intense as Io, the zero level quake. Find its magnitude on the Richter scale. (Use R=log(I/Io))

My friends parents sent him to an evangelical "Gay-curing" camp?

How old is your friend? I'd suggest talking to a guidance counsellor at your school or something about it and look at your options as I would think this could be seen as a form of abuse.

Will it rain if I pray for rain?

Yes, if it is God's will for it to happen...in which case it would have happened anyway. But you can take the credit if you prayed, though.

Why did my mom lie? AND betray me?

My mom and i have always Ben ultra close,but today i found out she lied to me twice. I told her specifically not to tell anyone my secret and she went and told someone. When i found out...i asked her and she looked me straight in the eyes and denied it. She lied once again. What hurts worse... the lie? or the betrayal ? I don't know if i can trust her again. I love her with all my heart and shes all i have...or thought i had

I am stuck on indiana jones 2 (lego) on psp?

I am in Act 1 doomtown (i think) and i have got to the point where there is a long rope and I think i have to try and swing to the other side, however I cant reach it?? any help?? Also what are the red squares on the floor for? ( i know the blue is to throw someone up and brown is for indy to use his whip)

Who would support an nWo return ran by Shane o Mac?

nWo is a tired and worn down act. I was a fan of the original nWo but damn man put it to rest. Do something original and I will support it.

Broncos-Chargers,whos gonna win?

Holy hell, i cant beleive its finally here, the fight for the AFC West division championship. The chargers have all the frickin momentum, the beat the crap out of the raiders, they made a miraculous comeback against the cheifs and they beat the bucs on the road, im almost certain that the the nfl needs to start making afc west division champs hats for the chargers, 3 in a row

Is it impolite or rude if you refer to someone as "young madam"?

Is it improper grammar or wrong because a flight attendant once referred to me as young madam and I always wondered if he was trying to be nice or trying to be respectful of my age. Also, how do you know when to use the term "madam" when you don't know the person's age or if they are married? Or should you always use the term "miss"?

US army is evacuating Iraq & Iraqis are celebrating. Is writing on the wall crystal clear for USA ?

The U.S. is most definitely not evacuating troops. The media is lying, both governments are lying. It is still business as usual. Believe it. The only difference is most of us don't technically LIVE in the city anymore.

What do you think about FOX's "More To Love"?

Personally, I think these girls seem a bit desperate to be going on a reality show to battle over a loser who swaps saliva with every one of them in their first encounter. I do think that they should be able to find someone that will love them, regardless of their weight, but not this way! Trust me, I ain't no Ashton Kutcher when it comes to physique, but if there were a show like this for guys, I would never participate in it! It would be ignominy to me! I feel sorry for these girls. It's really saddening. Your take?

ANY good war movies that you recommend ?

name all the best war movies you ever watch i don't care if their medieval, roman time , 17 centuries ww2 just any kind that are war movies. the best ones i watch were the patriots , braveheart , and lots of other ww2 movies. also i would love some good Mel Gibson ones too. thanks for your help

Felling abandoned by God?

I was raised in a christian home and always felt pretty certain about my faith. last month my great aunt who was just like a 2nd grandma to me ped away completely unexpectedly. Then my dad moved away and i hardly see him now. last week my sister was attacked by a golden retriever and almost lost her eye. I still believe in God but I feel as if hes turned his back on me, like he just doesn't care anymore. i don't know what to do anybody have any advice?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Protein Synthesis Processes, help!?

3 parts of the cell synthesize proteins, in the Nucleus is Transcription, in the Ribosomes is Translation, but what is the protein synthesis process that takes place in the cytoplasm? What is the name of this process and its description?

I know this is a stupid question, but I want to know the answer to it :)?

Hmmmm.. Im guessing because it might make their muscles stiff for the big game the next day! And yah, It might have to do with mental focuses too if they cant quit thinking about how good it was lol.

Want to work from home on computer please help need great companys,?

There are honest places like FTD.com. If you have not heard of them they do flowers. What you do is sit at home and then when somebody calls you take their order and place it with a FTD florist nearest the place they want to ship the flowers to.

Finding Mall Santa's Name?

nope, they work for many different contracting companies. you should ask the mall who they used (although i don't believe they have to tell you)

Is there any kind of peanut or tree nut in any Palmer 's Cocoa er formulas?

My son is peanut allergic and has Excema. It's on his scalp and I use his moisturizes but it does not help his scalp. I am wondering if Cocoa er will work, but I have no idea whether or not it contains peanut. I have tried google but I'm not getting any answers,thanks.

What is sustainable development?

Sustainable development is development (improving on people's lives, infrastructure..etc) that does not use resources in a way that is damaging to the environment. Renewable resources should be used with care and non-renewable resources should be used sparingly and phased out.

Should I buy a PS3 when my Xbox 360?

My Xbox is almost Dead its lasted 2 years and its been a trooper this entire time and it's starting to break so should I buy PS3 and start my game collection again or should I just get another Xbox 360

What do you think of these Christian Bale movies that rarely get talked about?

Sadly, the only one I've seen is 3:10 to Yuma, but I can tell you I give it 5 out of 5 stars! I thought Bale and Russell Crowe were excellent working together, and the story was solid, with a lot of old-west action. Definitely worth seeing. Christian Bale is very believable in his role, too, but he is a master at that, as I'm sure you appreciate. :)

Is it fair to compare the BNP to the KKK?

the fact that KKK and BNP are minor parties who preach racism, means it is a fair comparison. The hitler comparison is a stretch, but the nazis were originally a minor party, who grew into a governing party, and early in their history were dismissed as a irrelevance. Conditions are different now, the BNP will not govern this country, nor will it start a 4th reich, they are not german for a start. But he is a political descendant of mosely's black shirts, so a comparison is apt.

What coupe do you like more luke/laura or luke/tracy from general hospital?

I'm a big fan of Luke/Laura and this Luke/Tracy couple they are completely trying to butcher luke and laura but have they become more popular?

What would you're ideal prom dess look like?

I have not seen your mother's dress and without seeing it my choice for you would be the 2nd one looking the best on you. I am sure your mother's dress is good too as mom always wants the best for her daughter. Good luck! Maybe you'll find a date yet. I hope so .At any rate go and have fun and make your mom proud of you.

Errror while doing a clean install of windows home?

if you are just tring to install a fresh copy theres no need to hit f6 just press f8 to agree . other then that just follow what the screen prompts .

I heard these days you can't earn as much money in the stocks as before? How has investing changed?

I know nothing about stocks and am curious but am a little wary about this stuff. Can you still make a good profit from stocks these days?

Background info on Judas Iscariot?

I'm not sure how much is said about Judas Iscariot in the Bible before the whole betrayal of Jesus, but can anybody give me any information on who Judas was and what he did previous to the betrayal?

A 0.56 kg m is suspended from a string, forming a pendulum.?

The period of this pendulum is 1.8 s when the amplitude is 1.2 cm. The m of the pendulum is now reduced to 0.35 kg. What is the period of oscillation now, when the amplitude is 2.1 cm?

An old tune returns.?

80 years ago Roy Rogers was a big star in america playing cowboy heroes. One night he stops at the poshest hotel in New York and leaves his brand new cowboy boots outside his room for the bellboy to clean. The next morning he opens his door to collect his boots and notices a black cat with a white tail running down the corridor and that his new boots have been scuffed. Furious, he sends for the bellboy, shouts at him and tells him to go and find the cat. Two hours later the bellboy returns with a tabby cat. Roy goes beserk, throws the bellboy out of the hotel, tells him not to return untill he has found the right cat, and to sing him an apology. Six hours later the bellboy returns with a black cat with a white tail. He knocks on Roys door and as the door is openened he sings Pardonmeroyisthatthecat whochewedyournewshoe

Poll: The London Marathon..a charity or a cynical money grabber?

*Charities have to pay for 'packages' allowing their runners to run and they charge a lot! I think that taking money from worthy causes exposes it for what it is....a commercial enterprise dressed up like a free meal! Rip off Britain again?

What is your primary source of news and information? What is your political affiliation?

From YA republicans. Bush is running for Pres. again isn't he? Obama is responsible for 9-11 and Bush did'n't create any debt, it was Clinton. See? Im udumacated.

LCD monitor power switch?

i got samsung 2243SWXPLUS, in the manual it said that the monitor contains a power switch which i can turn the monitor on or off... but everytime i turn on the monitor via the "plug" the monitor just turns on automatically... but now i wanna turn off the monitor sometimes to conserve some energy... but the power switch on the lcd monitor just wont work... i touched it many times and nothing respond... anyhelp on how to turn off this monitor? only way i know is to switch off the plug.. this might sound stupid.. i just cant get the power switch to turn off my monitor..

Overall who's better: Leonardo DiCaprio or Robert Downey Jr.?

My friend and I are arguing over this. Obviously, it's Leonardo DiCaprio. And it's not just because he's older than 30 and still hot. But it's because he is such a phenomenal actor! Yes, I've seen movies with Robert Downey Jr. in them but they just aren't as good. So, I need to prove to my friend that Leo wins. So, help me out? I need some guys to vote for Leo too.

Can somebody explain fiscal and monetary policy using current day examples in the U.S.? thanks!?

The cause of the 2009 depression was due to the property loans that cannot pay back. It was the policy to stimulate people to buy property, got loans from the banks with low rate. The loans were rated by the insurance company and sold worldwide. But the bubble bursted. The insurance company went down first, followed by banks, and big company.The Wall Street went down, and unemployment rate went up. The government and the FED should begin with austerity and discipline. But they did the opposite. Creating more money supply and borrowing to bail out the financial institutions,helping people from the foreclosure, and creating employment in the public sector.The policy rate was approaching zero, to save investors. The health care bills to cover more millions of Americans was ped. Now we are talking about financial regulation bill.It should p soon. But we're still in Irag and Afganistan.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Marriage woes I need some help and fast!?

So me and my husband have been married almost 5 months in this time our son was born a few weeks early and had some trouble at first but is now doing well. With him having such a rough start they are not wanting him in daycare so one of us has to stay home...since my husband had a child from a previous relationship and owes child support I'm the one who stays home. This is where the trouble begins- since I am not working I have no income and with the income he brings home it's hardly enough to get by. I found out that he is dropping insurance on my car while he will keep it on his, this is all fine if I were allowed to drive his car if I needed to. We are living with my family since we can't afford rent...so we have a storage unit for all of our things. I'm not allowed to be on this as a co-renter I'm not allowed to go to the unit without him there is so much I'm not allowed to do. I'm just at a loss for what to do. I'm trying to find something I can do to make money but I also need to be able to take my son. Any ideas on what to do untitled this happens? I hate asking him for money cause I'm made to feel guilty when I do. Thanks

What do you think about those guys who masquerade as the opposite gender to get other? men to hit on them?

I guess it serves you right for trying to use Y!A as a dating service. This is your wake up call to get off the computer and meet some real people for a change. Nobody feels sorry for you because you got played for a fool.

What do you think of me getting a small raven tattooed on the underside of my wrist?

My little tribute to Edgar Allan Poe. I'm not goth or anything, I just love his poetry and I've always wanted a tattoo on my wrist.

Plymouth neon (98) EGR valve?

Worst case scenario is what you are seeing now. The car is designed to run with the EGR valve in place and functioning. The other problem you will have is that it will not p a smog test with a bad EGR valve, and they won't even test it if the Check Engine light is on..

Whiplash claim and lawsuit?

You are at fault in the incident...there really isn't nothing you can do about the claim. If you rearend the car then unless you have a good lawyer or the police screwed up somehow you probably are stuck with the claim. For whiplash I think the settlements are pretty small like in the 3-5k dollar range plus whatever medical bills the woman ammased while in the hospital. Ask the insurance company what the reserve on the injury is.....Whenever someone is hurt depending on how bad they are hurt the insurance company sets "reserves" or reserve amounts on how much a case should cost. Just like when you go to get your car fixed and they tell you how much it should cost. Just the fact that it's litigated alone will bring the amount up because of lawyer fees. Whiplash is one of those sorts of things that ambulance chasers are all over, and I doubt that they are going to try to sue the insurance company for any more than your coverage for the simple fact that they know the insurance company will pay and you....may not. If I ever got stuck with a B.S. claim like that I would probably pull a big F.U. and declare bankruptcy....I wouldn't worry about it too much, whiplash is almost impossible to prove/disprove because the lawyer will coach the lady and send her to the doctor that he wants her to go to anyway. It's just another way to grab a check and screw the system..sadly enough it's s like this that make our insurance rates go sky high.

On American Idol whos better, Kris Allen or Danny Goekey?

Danny Gokey's better, Kris Allen has that Elvis thing going for him, when you look at him from a side view you see that. But I think Allison is the best singer in the competition (& she's ONLY like 16) & I also like Lil Rounds, she's my 2nd favorite. I was surprised to see Allison in the bottom 3!

Can I mix particles w/ wax when I make candles without having them settle down?

I want to make a candle and I need to put small particles inside it. For example I want to put sand evenly inside the candle. Do you think I can just mix it with molten wax without worrying that the particles will settle down. Or what do you think should be done. I am expecting to have ground shells (mussel or oyster..im not yet sure) so please consider particles like small flakes, heavier and larger than sand particles. Thanks!

What does "ftw" mean?

Okay, I know it's nooby, and I know what WTF is. But there are instances like this: "dude that was great, ur ftw." WTF does that mean? I've seen it other times and I don't think it was a typo.

Is 136 lbs over-weight for a fourteen year-old girl?

The majority of the females I know that are my age have a weight that ranges from about 97 lbs to 123 lbs. And the majority of males weigh around 130 lbs. I know I only out-weigh the males by six pounds. But I feel ashamed to know I out-weight my female peers by more than 10 to 20 pounds. I don't know whether or no I should be considered over-weight...well for my age at least. I really hope what I'm saying makes sense...I'm pretty illiterate, so please bare with me...


we preformed this experiment in lab, but i can't figure out why we added hcl to the sulfuric acid first when hcl is a product of this reaction?

Critique my riding, please?

MAN he looks lazy! The only thing I would say is to try to push your heels down more and stop pumping with your upper body so your legs will stay still. I jump a lazy horse and I do the same things. It's really hard not to pump when you're squeezing so hard all the time but still, focus on going with the motion of the horse as you drive him forward. You'll find you get better distances to the fences. And you keep your shoulders back nicely, so that's good :)