Saturday, November 12, 2011

What would you do to get closure?

My ex broke up with me out of the blue over a year ago. In hindsight I know all the things I did wrong, pressuring moving in together, talking about marriage, nagging etc.. I have emailed him twice over the past year suggesting meeting up for coffee and he has replied yes but when I set a date to meet up he doesn't get back to me. I end up saying its fine we don't have to meet up and he replies oh sorry I didn't see your email some other time. But then he doesn't get in contact with me. I have changed a lot in the last year. My career is on track, I'm living away from my parents, learned to drive and just improved myself generally. I would like to see him, maybe for closure, just to see how he is, and who knows maybe he might see how I'm different. I just don't want to chase him by sending him another message. Especially since he ended things so abruptly. Any advice mucho appreciated. I have dated other men since but noone comes close.. thank you.

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