Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What will happen to Checks and Balances in Government?

Excellent question. When the balance of power shifts in either direction, the government simply gets more bloated. Neither party is any different from the other. What happened when the Homeland Security Act and the Patriot Act came up for a vote? They ped easily, even though a 2nd grade knuckle-head could see that it was a very real danger to our country from tyranny. Same with the TARP Bill. Same with the Stuimulus package. It doesn't matter which party is in office, or what the breakdown of Congress is. Government will always increase in size and power, until We The People stand up and give 'em hell, first with our mouths, then with our tax dollars, then with our arms, if need be. That is, after all, why we have Ammendments 1 and 2, specifically in that order!

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