Saturday, November 5, 2011

Marriage woes I need some help and fast!?

So me and my husband have been married almost 5 months in this time our son was born a few weeks early and had some trouble at first but is now doing well. With him having such a rough start they are not wanting him in daycare so one of us has to stay home...since my husband had a child from a previous relationship and owes child support I'm the one who stays home. This is where the trouble begins- since I am not working I have no income and with the income he brings home it's hardly enough to get by. I found out that he is dropping insurance on my car while he will keep it on his, this is all fine if I were allowed to drive his car if I needed to. We are living with my family since we can't afford we have a storage unit for all of our things. I'm not allowed to be on this as a co-renter I'm not allowed to go to the unit without him there is so much I'm not allowed to do. I'm just at a loss for what to do. I'm trying to find something I can do to make money but I also need to be able to take my son. Any ideas on what to do untitled this happens? I hate asking him for money cause I'm made to feel guilty when I do. Thanks

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