Monday, November 7, 2011

Am I in love with him?

Okay so me and my more-than-a-friend but not yet boyfriend have known each other FOREVER because of our parents. I had a huge crush on him for like 3 years and he always teased me but it was really really mean... like he made me think he thought I was stupid. but then a week ago at a fireman's picnic I started hanging around him and he told my a*h*o*l*e boyfriend off (not in front of me) because I was crying and all my boyfriend had to say was "I'm hungry." He knew not to talk to me for the rest of the night. He tried calling me and my friend picked up the phone and disguised his voice and when my boyfriend asked for me he said I was with the kid who *********/e/d him out and he hung up. Then I didn't want to go back to working at the picnic so I stayed in one spot with him and we talked the whole night and we went for a walk and laid below the stars in the middle of the road & held hands and hugged. Then, at about 1:30 AM he had to leave and his dad gave me the house number and he gave me his cell phone number. I dumped my boyfriend the next day and it was the first time I ever dumped someone all by myself. I called him to tell him about it and he said he was so so proud of me. From that day on we talked every day and he broke his amount of time on the phone record with me. He even called me from his cell phone after he ran out of minutes. He would stay on the phone til 2 even though he had to get up at 5 and I insisted he go to sleep. The picnic was Saturday the 9th and on Monday the 11th he asked me to go to Cabela's with him on Friday (yesterday) His birthday was Thursday and I gave him a card and 40 dollars because it was kind of short notice. Of course, I went with him, his mom, and his dad yesterday and we had a blast. Afterwards, we went back to his house (he has a dairy farm) and we sat up in the hayloft and talked and then we got closer and he kissed me and then we started making out. He was a great kisser. For the rest of the night he had his hands all over me though, and it was REALLY cute. He did a LOT of cute things. Like, we were walking in a field (his cousin Dave was with us) and he said "I have a present for you." And I said, "what?" And he kissed me. It was adorable. So anyways, he hasn't asked me out yet... but I honestly don't know if I just really really like him and I'm totally infatuated or if I love him... please help! What do you think? BTW, he just turned 16 on Thursday and I'll be 14 on the 30th of October.

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