Monday, November 7, 2011

Adderall Xr Question? Or Vyvanse? Has anyone taken these medications?

I am a 22 year-old mother that has struggled with ADHD for as long as I can remember. I was diagnosed with ADHD around age 7 and was first put on Ritalin for a few years, then was switched to adderall. I remember my dosage of adderall being constantly raised and it helped me concentrate in school but i kept to myself alot. My junior year of high school, i quite cold turkey so that I could join the military the next year. Well I was disqualified for having a high amount of protein in my pee test so the military didnt happen for me. I remember gaining 30+ pounds in the year after stopping adderall. I think it messed my metabolism up but I eventually got into reasonable shape by eating mostly vegetables and running ALOT. About 5 years down the road I got married and had a son, which I feed for a year. I knew I was having difficulty concentrating and was getting fustrated very easily about pretty much EVERYTHING. I remember trying to crochet my son a blanket and getting so upset because I didnt have the focus. I used to crochet many clothes and blankets growing up... it was a special hobby of mine. So about 8 months ago I started taking taking adderall again, except this time i was prescribed the Adderall XR. Well it worked really well and i was actually feeling normal again. I am taking 25mg. I think I have lost about fifteen pounds since starting it. However, my husband says that I have mood swings alot now and I am mean once it kicks in. For the past month it seems that it doesnt work quite as well and i get upset alot more often again and the concentration wears off sooner and now i cant sleep at night and have no energy anymore. I also have gained six pounds in the last two weeks. I recieved something in the mail last week from Shire for a free 30-capsule trial of Vyvanse. I dont know whether I should have the adderall dosage increased or should I try vyvanse? I dont want to take anything that will cause me to gain weight so I am worried about switching, but it seems the adderall is causing me to gain weight now? Has anyone taken these medications before and have any advice? Thankyou!

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